Stay on top of your diabetes management knowing you get exceptionally accurate1 readings, even with hypoglycemia, and learn how to use trend arrows.
Talk to your health care provider to help you understand trend arrows and make more informed diabetes management decisions
There are 5 different trend arrows that show the current direction of your glucose levels, and how fast they are changing. The app uses the last 20 minutes of continuous glucose data for calculating glucose trends.
Let's see an example of a situation you may encounter. It's important to consider what has happened and what is about to happen when using Eversense E3 CGM to make treatment decisions.
Glucose below target at 75 mg/dL but rising moderately. Your glucose could rise between 30 and 60 mg/dL and could reach 135 mg/dL (75 plus 60) within 30 minutes.
It’s 9am, and you dosed insulin for your breakfast about 2 hours ago.
Feel confident using your Eversense E3 CGM data to make treatment decisions.
Before making a treatment decision from your CGM data**, you should take into account the sensor glucose value, the trend arrow, the trend graph, and any alerts from the Eversense E3 CGM System. You should not base your decisions on glucose value only or trend arrow only.
Eversense E3 CGM can be your trusted companion supporting you not only on insulin dosing decisions, but also on type and size of meals as well as on planning and undertaking physical activity.
If in doubt, please discuss with your health care provider about how to manage insulin dosing for different types of food, and how to accurately calculate carbohydrates.
You can count on your Eversense E3 CGM data to respond reactively and with confidence, knowing that it remains highly accurate1, even with hypoglycemia, throughout the 6 month period.
And it is proven to detect high glucose levels correctly 99% of the time (180 mg/dL) and low glucose levels correctly 94% of the time (70 mg/dL).1
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